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MCC Education

New Muslims

Starting out your journey to becoming a confident and competent practicing Muslim? Check out the resources below and sign up for a session to get started. 

In this group, we take a look at the foundational elements of Islamic Belief and Practice. Learn how to constantly reaffirm your commitment to God and then follow in the example of His final messenger. We focus on learning how to make ablution, how to pray, how to give charity, how and why we fast, and how to prepare for and prosper in community life.

Click here  to register

In this group, we focus on studying the Chapters of the Quran in a brief 30 part series. We aim to build a connection to the stories and context that shape our understanding of the guidance that we have been sent by God. 

Click here  to register


In this group, we aim to explore the history of Islam and how it relates to the growth and progression of our society today. We explore topics such as schools of thought, methods of interpretation and problem-solution theory. This group aims to highlight the practical relationship between The Guidance sent forth in the Qur’an and our lived experiences in Charlotte, NC and the USA. 

Click here  to register

For those who wish to learn more about the Arabic Language in order to study further, this course is available for a fee. Contact the Instructor for more information. 

Instructor: Sa’eed G. Towolawi

Email: [email protected] 

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